
High and low table variations

Product Information



Material: オーク
H 61 cm x W 38 cm x D 38 cm (low)
H 45 cm x W 57 cm x D 57 cm (medium)
H 37 cm x W 70 cm x D 70 cm (high)
Design : Stokke Austad(ストッケ アウスタ)- 2015
Manufacturer: Tonning & Stryn (トニング&ストリュン)

Rang is a modern example of a classic table designed by StokkeAustad and superbly manufactured by Tonning & Stryn. It is a neat, simple table with a powerful expression that will last for generations. Rang is made from solid oak.

Material: Oak
Measurements: H 61 cm x W 38 cm x D 38 cm (low)
H 45 cm x W 57 cm x D 57 cm (medium)
H 37 cm x W 70 cm x D 70 cm (high)
Colour: Natural wood (white oiled)
Design : Stokke Austad - 2015
Manufacturer: Tonning & Stryn

Designer Profile: Stokke Austad


オスロを拠点としたスタジオ、Stokke Austad(ストッケ・アウスタ)は、2007年にJonas Ravlo Stokke(ヨナス・ラヴロ・ストッケ)とØystein Austad(オィスティン・アウスタ)によって設立され、後にNina Havermans(ニナ・ハヴェルマンス)とAngel Valiente(アンヘル・ヴァリエンテ)も加わりました。デザインを創造的価値の試作ととらえる彼らは、独自のオブジェクトや形をデザイン、発展させています。

The Oslo-based design studio StokkeAustad was founded by Jonas Ravlo Stokke and Øystein Austad in 2007. In addition to the partners, the studio colleagues include Nina Havermans and Angel Valiente. They design and develop their own objects and spaces. Fundamentally, they look at design as an exercise in creating value.

Other Icons by Tonning & Stryn

Norwegian Presence- Sla?ke - J�rstol - Sla?ke - Norwegian Icons - Photo Kaja Bruskeland.jpg

1036 by Alf Sture

Vang by Andreas Engsvik